It is simple to edit any essay or analysis work so that it is presented in the fonts and format in which i would prefer, as well as this, the design of the blogs are appealing and i can make it a relevant design to my work if i wished to, such as images of characters for the background.
Adding pictures and videos is also simple on Blogger, i upload all of my photos firstly to Photo-bucket so that they are saved on the internet rather than the school computers which hold a risk of being misplaced. I can then add them using the icon at the top of the blog entry page from a simple link and Blogger will insert the image and give me options of what size or placement i would prefer.
This is also beneficial for adding videos, i use blogger and YouTube for any videos i upload, as they are both products of Google, i can upload a video to YouTube whether it be the main production, a preliminary video or voice recording and link it immediately to my blog. It is also easy to use as i am able to search for YouTube videos within the Blogger page and add them to any relevant post.
My aim is to make my blog as interactive as possible therefore this is why i have added features such as voice recordings, final cut pro videos and word-collages. Blogger is a positive site to use for such things as well as being very easy to navigate and for others to read.
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