Thursday, 19 September 2013

Cultural Responses to Music Videos

Cultural appropriation in video is something which is important as producers would wish for videos to appeal to as many people as possible worldwide and to avoid offense at all costs. An example of a music video with accusations of cultural offense is Miley Cyrus: We Cant Stop (below)

Many of the scenes in this video caused controversy, however in terms of culture, Miley caused offense with her references to lower-class black americans. Miley has been criticized for picking certain aspects of black american culture and using them for a mock-style by playing them as a wealthy white female. It is suggested that in her attempt to achieve a certain image she has indeed caused offence, an example of this is her use of a gold grill for her teeth alone with her gan-style hand gestures. She has allegedly used a way of life for some people with much less than her and an oppositional lifestyle, as a stylish and somewhat admirable way of life which in fact contradicts her entire image and past career. Those whom have been supposedly offended by the video are NYC upcoming rappers whom lived a lifestyle similar to what Miley is proposing, but as a struggle with others alike themselves rather than her idea of fashion or success.

In my own music video is will be important for me to make no links or references to other cultures of life styles if they will cause effect, the plan for my video does not in fact have many if at all any references to other races therefore it should be safe to assume i shall not cause offense; however when filming i should ensure that even if non-deliberate, no gestures which may relate to other cultures should be used in case they are negatively interpreted.
I will also be sure not to glorify the actors in comparison to any of other cultures, for example i will not make my white actors appear superior to any others nor inferior. 

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