Friday, 5 July 2013

Lyric Analysis

From the lyrics of Cyril Hahn/Haim- Don't save me, it is clear within the first two verses that the artist either is or was almost infatuated by someone they loved, however it seems that they are 'longing' for how things used to be, suggesting that things either have, or are going to breakdown in some sort of relationship.
At this point in the song, it seems that the artist wants to be saved, and the repetition of 'take me back' suggests that the artist still wants to be with this person, however not in the state which their relationship is currently.

However, in the following two verses, the artist seems determined that if this other person is not willing to put 100% into the relationship, or their love 'isnt strong' then she does not want this love, and she does not want to be saved. It appears that the artist now wants all or nothing, and they are not willing to settle with anything other than 100% in her relationship.

The following lines in the song are to the same rythm and beat as the 'you say you will save me' from the earlier verse, however the lyrics are now 'baby don't save me now'. This supports the idea that the artist does not want to be saved if they arent receiving love that is strong.

The next verse is also key to this, 'if i have to beg for your love, tell me will it ever be enough'- here the lyrics suggest that the artist is not willing to fight for something if it is not for a worthy cause, she feels that if she begged for the relationship to work out, then she would not be gaining what she wished for anyway. 

Finally, a longer chorus is used with more repetition of 'if your love isnt strong' and 'baby don't save me', overall this song seems to be about a strong female who is determined in terms of knowing what she wants and what she deserved and is not prepared to take any less than this. She knows that what she did have was positive, and she enjoyed however the other person is now not putting in the effort that they used to, and she is not prepared to carry on with a person who's love is not strong.

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