Thursday, 4 July 2013

Analysis of pie charts from questionnaire

From analysing the questionnaire these are the conclusions found:

From using students in the 6th form, both male and female, we found that every person who has answered, listened to music videos at least once a month. The majority amount of time in which people watched music videos was 'Several times per week' this suggests that music videos are a common part of everyday teen culture and we should consider this in our production in terms of themes. 
We also found that people would prefer to see a narrative which worked alongside the lyrics, less than 25% wished to see contrasting narratives to lyrics therefore we should take this into account and ensure that our lyrics are related to the moving image.

50% of those who filled in the questionnaire preferred a story line in which revolved around relationships, however this was closely followed by those who wished to see party environments shown. We should reflect both of these in our videos to please a wider audience. 
75% of participants decided they would like to see an equal amount of male and females in the video, and 25% would prefer mainly female, this suggests that we should include both in the video, yet possibly include a slightly larger amount of females compared to males.
In terms of style, over 50% decided that an alternative or 'hipster' style would be most preferred, this was closely followed by understated style therefore it would be most suitable to chose a style of character whom was alternative, but not extreme, it should not be someone who distracts attention from anything else in the scene or whom is over dressed.

Almost 75% of participants decided they would like to see characters whom are of a similar age group to themselves, this means we should include characters whom are between 14-20 years of age. 
In terms of a narrative, a closed narrative (beginning, middle and end) was the most popular option therefore we should incorporate this into our production.
Adding to this, almost 100% of participants preferred the video to focus on the characters rather than the actual setting, however from the research i have collected i believe that setting has a large influence on the successfulness of the video.
The majority of participants would not prefer to see instruments being played in the video, as well as this, almost 75% decided that they would prefer to see characters lip syncing to the lyrics.

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