On the (below) Magazine advertisement for La Roux's tour for her album 'La Roux' which was releasing a 'gold edition', there is a selection of information along with her artwork for the album. The main design and background for this advertisement is the image used on the front cover of the album which was recently released, using this as the background allows audiences to recognise the artist easily along with promoting the album alongside the tour. The left half of the advertisement is the space which is used for the tour dates and venues however beneath this is a lot more information. Information on the venues and websites which a person could purchase these tickets are provided. Furthermore, underneath this there is information on the label and production of the advertisement which i should consider putting into my production.
The second advertisement (below) is for a tour date of AlunaGeorge's 'Body Music' tour which is promoting the new album buy the duo which is also called 'Body Music'. Again the album artwork is pictured on the advertisement along with the artist name in bold font with a complementary colour, this is something to consider in my own piece. The style of this advert is modern and has high contrast of colours which draws the audiences attention instantly. the name of the tour, venue and date are also in large bold fonts as these are the most important pieces of information, however there is other text included. In smaller print, the AlunaGeorge website is provided at the bottom of the page, as well as this there is a mention of the concert company and record label in very small print at the top of the page. Adding to this, the poster includes information on how to book by phone, how to book online and how to book in person. As well as the small print at the top of the page, an image is provided for the logo of the concert company. Although some of these elements are not included inside of the actual image, i should consider these when creating my image.
The third advertisement which i had found was for a Bondax tour, this was not necessarily in order to promote an album, however it was an artist whom is most similar to the artist i have chosen within my own production. An image of the artist is however still used in this advertisement, it also contrasts highly with the rest of the poster as is demonstrated with the above images. The main focus of the advertisement is the name of the artist in the centre of the page in a very large font. The white-on-black text is used throughout the poster and the second largest text size is used for the date of the event along with the venue name, in this case 'Rotture'. As with the other posters, the less important information and details are in much smaller fonts. This information includes the company holding the event, the time of the event, age restrictions and ticket prices. It also provides a single website for where people can purchase their tickets.
Another similar artist to Cyril Hahn, is Dislosure. The tour advertisement which they used also contrasted with their album cover but this was due to the tour being before the release of the album. However, along with all of the advertisements i have found, the font colour is of high contrast to the main image however it also matches some of the colours within the image. This advert again has the largest font for the title of the artist and smaller fonts for the less important information. The main image is of the artist and has the consistent pencil-effect outline of the faces which is incorporated into each of their adverts, videos and album covers. This is an idea which i could use in my own productions, it would be effective to have a single repetitive theme or idea which i could use within each of my tasks. As expected, the tour dates and locations are provided and a website is given, these are things i will definitely include in my own production.
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