Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Shots to film this weekend:

                                                                   12-16 Bella crying
16-20 Lee looking sad
20-35: group shots 
20-25 waking up and packing
25-30 packing the car
30-35 motion scenes in the car - outside and inside
35-42: Bella singing up until 'never want it to go'
42-47: Nice gesture from lee to Bella
47-50: Opening door to flowers on doorstep
50-58: Car
50-54 hand on gearstick 54-58
 Bella singing into the mirror 
0:58-1:00: Clock Scene 'hungry for what was to come'

2:20-2:28: Walking along the A14 Bridge - focus on the traffic - cars slow motion

2:44-2:47: Early morning bed shot, Bella gets out, from above, white bed sheets

4:14-4:23: Bella's crying shot played in reverse (in slow motion) so that the tears go up - she has been saved by walking away. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Action Plan and Tutorials

Action plan for following week:
  • Shoot draft images for ancillary task
  • Create mock ancillary tasks
  • Collect audience feedback on these
  • Start shooting and editing official ancillary images
  • Film remaining footage on upcoming sunday
Tutorials from this week:
  • Successful work so far on ancillary tasks
  • Need to upload all work to blogs
  • Should consider how important and urgent filming footage will be

Questionnaire Analysis (Magazine Advertisement)

From analysis our questionnaire results, again we looked at the examples of advertisements for tour posters which we included on the questionnaire. The image which fitted the highest number of categories requested by the audience is the image below:

This image fitted the following categories:
  • The image is the main focus rather than the text.
  • There is information on where to buy the tickets.
  • The artist name is included in the image.
  • This is a full page advertisement.
  • Similar image colour scheme to album cover.
However, this advertisement did not meet the following criteria requested therefore we should also consider the following in our own production:
  • Either album artwork or a general image on the front (50/50 results)
  • Consistent font used through album and advertisement.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Questionnaire Analysis (Album Artwork)

From our questionnaire, we collected results from people whom are our target audience (young adults), from the images presented on the questionnaire, we looked at which of these images fitted the criteria that the target audience said they had preferred. The results are shown below:

Hover mouse over images to view results:

From this analysis, it is clear that image 1 (top left) and image 3 (top right) were the most fitting to the criteria which the audience preferred. Image 3 was also classed as having the best font, therefore whilst fitting 5 criteria and being chosen for best text this should be the album text and image which we should consider being influenced by in our production. However the best image chosen by the audience was image 5 (bottom middle), this fitted 4 criteria therefore was not far behind image 1 therefore this image should be considered when shooting our album artwork, however we should also look at image 1, luckily these images are very similar in style so we should please our target audience either way if we chose to shoot an image similar to this. 

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Analysis of Existing Digi Packs.

The above image is of Iggy Azaleas album cover and two examples of images within the insert of her album. The back of the album cover is simply a white background with black text. The image on the front cover relies highly on contrasting colours to attract the eye. The black and white contrast instantly gets attention from the eye and the hair movement in the artist is not only significant of her as an artist but also the dance-rap genre she performs in. The insert images are set-up, studio like images in which there are again contrasting colours for example black and white or white on white, this is effective despite being simple because it focuses on the artist and the glamorous nature of their facial expressions and style.

The above image is of Sky Ferreira's album, back cover and an example of an insert image. The front cover of this album is again dominant by the use of contrasting black and white colours. As with the Iggy Azalea cover, eye contact is made which engages the listener and shows more involvement from the artist. Although the image is relatively plan and posed, the artists unique style and appearance helps fit her dance music genre along with the unusual font which makes the image instantly appear more interesting and suggests more of an upbeat nature rather than slow or calm music. The back of the album is simple yet again has contracting colours of strong reds and whites. This is through both the use of make up and costume. As with our own model, this artist has strong facial features which are used in most images eg. large lips. We could possibly consider this is our planning. The insert image is again simple however still relevant to the album and still is concentrated on the glamour of the artist herself and again focussing on her strong and unusual facial features.

The above image is of the Zebra Katz album cover, back and an example of an image from the insert, although this album features a male artist and model, the genre and style of the artist is still relevant to my own production. The front image, as with the two above images focuses on strong black and white colours, the eye contact is again seen in this image and the image has been edited to make the skin and clothing dark and the eyes to stand out to look somewhat serious and intimidating. The genre of music (dance) is conveyed through the clothing and style of the male, within the insert image we also see heavy jewellery. We should consider both of these things in our own production as Bella has a fur coat worn as well as a bold necklace. The back image of this album is again quite simple but this is important as it ideally should not be as strong of an image as the main cover. Another thing to consider in this album is the fluidity, the images are all very similar and the theme is consistent which makes the album image as a whole very strong and eye catching.

The above image is the album cover for Faarrow and two examples of images within the album insert. As with the Iggy Azalea album, the back is plain white with black text. The front cover of this album again is black and white which we should consider as it is a consistent theme within dance music album covers that i have analyzed. The image portrays the style and alternative nature of the women and also is framed with a strong pattern similar to the artists clothing. Although this is a relatively plain cover, again it is enhanced through facial expression, jewellery and costume which we should definitely consider in our production. The two image inserts are both quite simple however all make eye contact with the camera which is also repetitive within the albums i have analyzed so should be considered. They also rely heavily upon unique and individual outfits and styles which i should consider in my photography as this is relevant in my music video.

Digipack Insert Mood Board

This mood board is an example of our initial ideas for the type of photography we may include within our insert for our digpack. We are likely to stick to a glamorous but natural theme, for example we will avoid fakery such as heavy make up and fake tan however we should make the photo shoot glamorous through clothing such as fur coats, glitter and patterns. Again, we are likely to use shots which are at least a mid shot as we do not want the photographs to be too busy or distracting. 
We also like the kaleidoscope theme which we could also include in our inserts as it fits into the abstract music genre such as dance and house music as this effect is often used in dance videos. It would also bring variety to our production.
The photos in the mood board could also be used for the back of the CD cover, as this image needs to be professional yet less impressive than the main cover.

Album Cover Mood Board

This is a mood board of initial ideas for photography we would see appropriate for our digi-pack. We will most likely have a posed close-up facial shot of Bella for our production however this is something we should clarify when collecting audience feedback. In the above images, styles and facial features similar to Bella have been chosen, as well as this they are all female artists who produce dance music which is key to our production as it has to fit the theme and vibe of our music video.
From audience feedback, we should decide whether or not to have a set-up image, eg. white screen for background, or to have an outside image such as the image top left.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Action Plan and Update

  • Finish initial ideas for ancillary tasks
  • create mood-boards for each section of ancillary tasks
  • conduct research into digipacks
  • film footage
Unfortunately when we planned to film this weekend, Bella had to urgently be called into work therefore we had to rearrange to the next weekend.